WIP - Metro Manila's Esteros and Rivers
It took 2 weekends and several instances of breaking this website to properly render this first work-in-progress post. I’m still trying to get a handle on Hugo as my static website framework (sometimes I think I should have gone with something more simpler such as Wordpress, Blogger or Wix). But I digress.
Thanks to the tireless work of Openstreetmap volunteer mappers and NASA’s open data I was able to quickly sketch the map below. I overlaid the waterways (blue) over the road network (red) over the terrain texture generated from a digital elevation model.1 The effect is immediate and clear: much of our estero systems have disappeared from our line-of-sight. What is less immediate, and requires a bit more imagination: using the full potential esteros and rivers as part of our routes to aid our mobility around the metropolis.2